What do fruit flies, day lilies and humans have in common?
This page was last updated on: January 8, 2009 Copyright 2002-2009
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CIRCADIAN RHYTHM, to be exact.  An internal clock that regulates their inner workings such as day lily petals opening every morning and closing again every night.  It is believed that the origin of this phenomenon dates back to the beginning of life.  As each species evolved, their circadian (from 'circa' meaning about and 'dia' meaning a day) rhythm also evolved to help them survive. 

Man should rise at dawn and go to bed at dusk.  This was the natural rhythm of our ancestors.  They respected and even feared the dark.  But modern man does the exact opposite.  We artificially extend the day with electric lights; travel forward and backward across time zones; and work or play at night, then sleep in the day.  

Light does not trigger circadian rhythm, but it can affect it.  For example, if you lived in a world without light, your sleep-wake cycle wouldn't change much.  But if bright lights were added at carefully timed intervals, your sleep-wake cycle could be moved forward or backwards - advanced or delayed.  In fact, light therapy is often used to help with insomnia, shiftwork sleep disorders, Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD, jet lag, Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder and Advanced Phase Sleep Disorder.

Key links developed between our circadian rhythm and our body functions.  This was to ensure maximum performance with minimal energy expenditure.  It has been determined that the following are known to follow a cycle driven by circadian rhythm:

Fortunately these links still exist despite the widespread tendency to ignore the day-night cycle of our ancestors. On the daytime side of the cycle, memory, the ability to be logical, reaction time, manual dexterity and mood are also driven by circadian rhythm.  The list below summarizes some other links:

There are other rhythms besides Circadian, that play in our lives:

So is there a best time to balance your checkbook?
Between 9 am and noon when your ability to
perform analytical skills is at its peak. 

Circadian rhythm disorders can be short term, such as jet lag & shiftwork sleep disorders, or chronic such as Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome.  Read on for details.

To learn how to make your circadian rhythm work for you instead of against you, read the self-help e-Book, The Guide to Better Sleep Naturally.
They all have rhythm.
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Disorders (Jet Lag, etc)
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