About Me
Somewhere around 2002, I became more and more frustrated by
what seemed to be a growing trend:

Can’t sleep? Take a pill.

Tired all the time? Take a pill.
Whatever happened to: figure out why and fix it? Don’t just put a Band-Aid on it or cover up the symptoms with a pill.
In an attempt to reach out to tired & sleepy people everywhere, I decided to start Sleep & Breathing Management Center (SBMC), a division of Respiratory Repository, an LLC registered with the Connecticut Secretary of State, and to take to the internet. I started one web site which led to another and another. In addition to the web sites, www.areyou-sleeping.com, www.sleepynomore.com and www.get-better-sleep.com, I also offer group seminars and private consultations in the Mystic, CT area. If you are interested in either, please reach me by e-mail at: sleepynomore@areyou-sleeping.com, by phone at (860) 823-0543 or by US Mail at Box 5 Old Mystic, CT 06372.
So who am I to ask: "Are you tired all the time?"
My name is Anne-Marie Foster and I am board certified by the National Board of Respiratory Care as a Registered Respiratory Therapist, licensed by the state of Connecticut as a Respiratory Care Practitioner, and am an active member of the American Association of Respiratory Care. I have been providing hands-on-care for patients for nearly thirty years in four settings: a community hospital, a pulmonary rehabilitation center, a doctor's office specializing in pulmonary & sleep medicine, and home care. During ten years in the last two arenas, I observed and read countless sleep studies and helped numerous patients with sleep apnea and other sleep disorders find blissful relief. In addition, I have either given or continue to give, educational sessions on sleep and breathing problems to physician groups, a physician's assistant teaching program, several pulmonary rehabilitation centers, skilled nursing facilities and home health organizations; I am a facilitator and asthma educator for the American Lung Association and a member of the Lung Health Resource Committee for the CT branch of the American Lung Association. I have designed and published numerous teaching tools for physicians, home care agencies and a national home care company.
areyou-sleeping.com Copyright 2002-2009
Respiratory Repository, LLC All rights reserved
- except for the right to better sleep!
I do not sell, rent, lease or give away any personal information about you. My sole purpose in obtaining your name and e-mail address is to provide you with information about sleep and sleep disorders. Please be assured that I am a licensed health care professional and all communications are protected by patient-clinician confidentiality.